Kaman is a very old town, situated in the north of Bharatpur. It is a very old and sacred town of Hindus as it forms a part of Braj area where Lord Krishna spent his early life. It is also known as Kamaban. Its former name is said to have been Brahampore, but Raja Kama sen the maternal grand father of Krishna changed it to Kaman after his own name. Kaman is the short name of Kadambawana for numerous Kadhamba Trees are found here. It is a place of Pilgrimage, Annually visited by a large number of Vaishnava in the month of Bhadon as a part of Banyatra .The remains of a temple /mosque consisting of 84 pillars, named Chourasi Khamaba’ still exist here. None of these pillars is withoutonament and some are very highly decorated. Kaman has long been under the rule of Jaipur but was conquered and annexed by Maharaja jawahar Singh. Some palaces of Jaipur Chiefs still exist here. Maharaja jai Singh took the ilols of Madan Mohanji and Gokul Chandraman to his newly built city of Jaipur but due to some resions the idols were brought back to Kaman after a short stay at Bikaner.
Deeg Palace:-
This fort built by Raja Suraj Mal, stands majestically over a slightly elevated point. It is surrounded by impressive moats, ramparts and gateways; the interiors are mostly in ruins now, but the watch tower still stands among the ruins, keeping an eye over the city and the palace; over it is placed a gun captured from Agra Fort. Another defunct cannon, which was captured from Ahmad Shah Abdali ( 1761 AD) – who seized the fort for six months guards vantage point. Midway, Near us Stand Deeg.
Bandh Baretha:-
Band Baretha, old wildlife reserve of the rulers of Bharatpur State is about 650 km from Bharatpur city, there is a dam on “Kakund” River. The foundation stone of this dam was laid in 1866 by Maharaja Jaswant Singh and completed in 1897-88 during Maharaja Ram Singh’s period. There is an old palace, which is still private property of Bharatpur Royal family. Animals like sambhur, chital, blue bull, wild boar, hyena and leopard inhabit Bandh Baretha. It also inhabited by 200 rare species of birds every year number of bird watcher come here.
Agra is globally renown as the city of the Taj Mahal. But this royal Mughal city has, in addition to the legendary Taj, many
monuments that epitomise the high point of Mughal architecture and culture.
In the Mughal period, in the 16th and 17th centuries,
Agra was the capital of India. It was here that the founder of the dynasty, Babar, laid out the first formal Persian garden on
the banks of the river Yamuna. Here, Akbar, his grandson raised the towering ramparts of the great Red Fort. Within its walls,
Jehangir built rose-red palaces, courts and gardens, and Shahajahan embellished it with marble mosques, palaces and pavilions of
gem-inlaid white marble.
The crowning glory of the city is obviously the Taj, a monument of love and imagination, that represents India to the world.
One of the oldest kingdoms of Rajasthan, Alwar is said to derive its original name Salwapur courtsey a tribe by the name of
Salwa. Salwapur was later modified to Salwar which finally metamorphed into Alwar.
From the days when it was a part of the
Matsya kingdom to present, Alwar has commanded a distinct importance for itself. The pages of history are replete with stories
that tell the tales of erstwhile power fighting out with each other to gain control of the region.
History of Alwar
The erstwhile state of Alwar, in North Eastern Rajasthan, is possibly the oldest kingdom in kingdom-studded Rajasthan. In 1500 BC it formed a part of the Matsya territories of Viratnagar (present-day Bairat), which also encompassed Bharatpur, Dholpur and Karauli. History becomes inextricably bound with mythology, as it was here in the ancient kingdom of Matsya. The city of Alwar is believed to have founded by a member of the Kachh family who hailed from Amber, but control was wrested from the Kachhwahas of Nikumbhas. They in turn lost the city to Bada Gurjara Rajputs of Machari. It passed to the Khanzadas, under Bah Nahara of Mewar, who converted from Hinduism to Islam to win the favour of Emperor Tughlaq of Delhi. At this time, Alwar was part of the kingdom of Mewar.
Descendants of Bahadura Nahara defended the Alwar fort against the Muslims in 1427. Alwar's fortunes were inextric bound with those of Mewar, which was contiguous with Delhi. As Alwar located on the strategic south-western tier of Delhi, this of course rankled with Mughals, who mounted numerous military forays into the region, only conquering after great difficulty. Alwar was later granted to Sawai Jai Singh of Jaipur by Aurangzeb. The Jats of Bharatpur then threw their hat into the ring, briefly overrunning the region, and installing themselves in the Alwar fort. They were evicted by the Lalawat Narukas (descendants of the Kachhwaha prince of Amber, Naru) between 1775 and 1782 under the leadership of the Naruka thakur (noble) Pratap Singh.
His descendants were great patrons of the arts, commissioning the transcription of numerous sacred and scholarly texts and encouraging painters and artisans to visit the Alwar court. In 1803, the British invested the Alwar thakur with the title of Maharaja as thanks for their support in a battle against the Marathas. This friendly alliance was short-lived, however, with the Maharaja of Alwar strongly resenting British interference in governance when a British Resident was installed in the city. Following Independence, Alwar was merged with the other princely states of Bharatpur, Karauli and Dholpur, forming the United State of Matsya, a name which reflected the fact that those states all comprised the ancient Matsya kingdom. In 1949, Matsya was merged with the state of Rajasthan.
Today, Alwar has preserved its old world charm and combined it with more contemporary taste of the tourists.
A palace complex with a museum, a fort, lakes, cenotaphs and an immensely famous wildlife sanctuary in close vicinity makes Alwar a hotspot for tourists. Away from the rushing life of a big city, Alwar takes tourists back into a time when things drifted at a leisurely pace. So apart from unmetred auto rickshaws and cycle rickshaws, there are tongas to take tourists round the city.
The location amidst Aravalli ranges add to the mystic charm of the city. The rhythmic notes of nature when the trees sway in the direction of wind and when the birds chirp in the morning infuse a delightful sense of relaxation.
In brief, Alwar has everything that a visitor can ask for - historical and cultural heritage combined with a freshning natural beauty.
Alwar City Tour
'The Tiger Gate' of Rajasthan is equidistant from Jaipur (150) as well as Delhi (170). Situated in the cradle of Aravali
hills, it has a perfect picture postcard setting and looks as if carved magnificently out of jagged, craggy rocks. The harsh
hills are surrounded by lush green deciduous forests and lakes, dotted with architectural splendors.
The deep valleys and the
thick forest cover is a haven for many species of birds and animals. It is one of the oldest cities of the state and its
prehistoric and historic sites are an archaeologists delight.
Alwar was a part of 'Matsya Desh', most of it around 1500 BC was included in the territory of Matsya. It is believed that the legendary Pandavs, the heroes of Mahabharta, spent the last year of their thirteen years of exile over here in the city of Viratnagar. Alwar has a very turbulent history due to its strategically important location. Nikkumbha Rajputs were believed to be the first occupants, who built the fort and the old town, the remnants of which are still visible at the foot of the hills.
The present city was founded in 11th century by Maharaja Alguhraj, but it was rapped incessantly by the Mughals. In 1775 AD Maharaja Pratap Singh, a Kachhawaha Rajput belonging to the same clan as the one which ruled Jaipur wrestled back Alwar from the Mughals and established a principality of its own.
Vinay Vilas Palace
This garden palace was once the residence of Maharaja Vinay Singh. Now a college is being run in this magnificient building. The gardens of this palace and Purjan Vihar (company garden) were watered by the Siliserh lake through a long aqueduct.
Moosi Maharani Chhatri
This impressive centopath (chhatri) on the banks of 'Sagar' a beautiful lake, is dedicated to Bakhtawar singh's mistress who performed sati here. The centopath reflects Indo-Islamic style of architecture. The upper portion in marble with columned pavalions and domed arches with exquisite floral tracery, rests over the pillared red sand stone storey.
Mythological an d court scenes in fading gold leaf painting and sculpture adorn the cieling.The memorial is rtated as one of the finest in its class. The picturesque 'Sagar' or lake is a concrete catchment with a pattern of stairs and tiny kiosks in perfect symmetry along the sides.
Purjan Vihar
The beautiful garden was laid during the reigns of maharaja Shiv Dan singh in 1868.It has an enchanting setting known as 'Simla' which was built by Maharaja mangal singh in 1885.The cool shades and lush greenary of this perfectely laid garden never lets the heat of summer peep in.
The garden was originaly named as company Garden, later changed by maharaja Singh as Purjan Vihar.
Tomb Of Fateh Jung
This spectacular tomb has a massive dome which is a fine blend of Hindu and Islamic architectural styles.Fateh jung was a minister of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan and re;lated to the Khanzada rulers of Alwar.
North of Bharatpur is this beautiful garden town, the gardens have been laid with great care and precision, the sparkling fountains and meticulous palaces add to he beauty of this idyllic retreat of the princes of Bharatpur. The tourist enjoy the charming settings of this agricultural town,along with the well preserved palace pavilions and gardens.
Deeg located 36 Kms from Bharatpur, has a quiet elegance about it which touches the soul immediately.
Deeg has every ingredient for a perfect tourist's rendezvous.
It was the summer resort of the royal family of Bharatpur. This off the track spot with its exquisite complex of pleasure palaces
is considered as one of the architectural gems.
It is an ancient town. It finds mention in Skanda Purana as “Dirgha” or “Dirghapura”. Deeg was the first capital of the newly carved out Jat state of Bharatpur, when Badan Singh was proclaimed its ruler in 1722. In 1730, the Maharaja Suraj Mal erected the strong fortress of Deeg. After Suraj Mal moved the capital to Bharatpur, Deeg became the second capital of the rulers of Bharatpur princely state. It is known for its number of forts, palaces, gardens and fountains.
Now a days Deeg is famous for the three-day fair held in the month of September, when the forts of Deeg are brought to liveliness. Deeg has various kinds of palaces, the most famous among them is "Sawan-Bhadon". The palace has a hollow ceiling with rolling iron spheres in it; when water is made to flow into the ceiling, these spheres collide with each other and produce a sound like raining clouds.
Town Architecture
Deeg in the 18th century, was the capital of Jat rulers. The central citadel, set up in 1730 is square in layout and stands
on a slightly raised ground.The whole monument is encircled by a shallow wide moat.The protective walls are 8 km in circumference
pierced by 10 gateways and studded with 72 bastions. The gateway to the fort is protected with anti-elephant strikes. The most
impressive are huge towers haughtily piercing the sky. The towers are fitted with cannons to take a good shot at any approaching
enemyWithin the fort, is the Suraj Mal Haveli with its typical bangaldar style - which is a typical Bengali curved bamboo roof,
imported to Rajasthan by Bengali architect of Jaipur - Vidyadhar Bhattacharya.
Deeg's Unique Charm
Deeg is stunningly beautiful. It doesn't have the romance of Udaipur or Jaisalmer in the air, but it has a quiet elegance about
it which touches the soul immediately. Although not as well known as Jaipur or Jaisalmer, Deeg has every ingredient for a perfect
tourist’s rendezvous. It was the summer resort of the royal family of Bharatpur. Later with Badan Singh it became the Jat
capital too (see History of Bharatpur for more). As such, this off the track spot came to be blessed with the most tastefully
done palaces and gardens.
The Construction of Deeg Town
Deeg was built by Raja Suraj Mal in the mid-18th century. The Bharatpur rajas ruled from both Bharatpur and Deeg. It was in
Deeg that the Jats successfully confronted an army of 80,000, Mughal and Maratha combined. All along history, these two groups would
be at each other's throats, but now were compelled to shake hands with each other in the hope of putting an end to the alarming
Jat power! Today the town of Deeg might appear to be nothing more than a sleepy agricultural land, but just you wait until you
set your eyes on the well preserved and laid out palace pavilions.
The Fort and the Deeg Palace would strike you immediately as
the most beautiful pieces of architecture you've ever seen in your life. Many a times the Jats were derogatorily described as 'a
gang of robbers' or 'rustic plowmen', but the palace complex is ample proof that there's more aesthetic sense in the Jats than in
any other self-proclaimed elitist clan.
br>Deeg became a capital city with Badan Singh, but most of the buildings including this one were built by his illustrious son,
Suraj Mal (see History of Bharatpur for more). This central citadel, standing on a slightly raised ground and almost square in
layout, was set up in 1730. A shallow wide moat encircles the whole monument, beyond which stand protective walls made of course
rubble and mud. They are about 8km in circumference, pierced by 10 gateways and studded with 72 bastions. These walls are
sometimes even 28 meters high! But perhaps nothing compares with the security of the Lohargarh (Iron fort) in Bharatpur with its
unimaginably strong outer mud walls.
Deeg fort
The Main Attractions of Fort is the entrance to the Deeg Fort is by a bridge in the north and through a gateway protected with
anti-elephant spikes. But the most impressive part of the fort are its huge towers which stand haughtily piercing the sky.
are 12 in all, the largest being the Lakha Burj in the north-west corner. These towers were fitted with cannons to take a good
shot at any approaching enemy. The cannon of Lakha Burj is still preserved. The Suraj Mal Haveli (haveli means mansion) is a
nice structure, with its typical domes of the bangaldar style. This kind of a shaping is based on the Bengali curved bamboo roof,
probably imported to Rajasthan by the Bengali architect of Jaipur, Vidyadhar Bhattacharya (see Jaipur for more). In fact, such
rounded roofs are the high point of Deeg's pleasure palaces too.
Places to Visit
Some very interesting buildings can be observed like:
Completed in 1760, an imaginatively designed building complex with beautifully laid gardens at its entrance and the rear overlooks the Gopal Sagar which is flanked with smaller pavilions Sawan and Bhadon.
The formal gardens face a raised terrace with an arch of lustrous marble installed on a pedestal in the form of swing. This exquisite swing is a war trophy brought in by the famous Jat king Raja Suraj Mal from the Mughal court in Delhi.
The spacious and well proportioned Banquet Hall has a double row of graceful pillars. The rear of the chamber is further divided by a charming sunken pool with fountains. The Banquet hall houses a rich collection of curios, souvenirs and Victorian furniture. Staircases wind upstairs to the upper floors. One room contains a solid black marble bed from Delhi.
It houses the dining room, and has sloping arches, with comfortable cushions along the outer edges forming the seating area. The walls of the royal Chess Room has trellis design and are painted in soft red.
To the east of the main building, this palace has balconies overhanging the water. The entire palace in marble is like an airy pavilion with fine ornamentation within the apartments.
It is a larage audience hall. KRISHNA BHAVAN, and the ingeniously designed water works of KESHAV BHAVAN, with open twelve pillared pavilion are of great interest.
It is the oldest palace, planned as a spacious rectangle encircled by compartments and chamber, it has a collection of some very fine Rajput and Mughal schools.
DEEG FORTThe fort stands majestically over a slightly elevated point, built by Raga Suraj Mal. The fort is surrounded by impressive moats, armpits and gateways, the interiors are mostly in ruins now, but the watch tower still stands in the ruins keeping an eye over the City and Palace; over it is placed a gun captured from Agra fort. Another defunct cannon which was captured from Ahmad Shah Abdali(1761), who seized the fort for six months, guards a vantage c
This small but interesting town is strewn with massive fortifications, stunningly beautiful gardens, magnificent palaces and a colorful bazaar. It is actually more interesting than Bharatpur itself and is an easy day trip, from Agra, Bharatpur and Mathura. Formerly the second capital of Bharatpur, it is the site of a
Matura City
Mathura pronunciation is a city in India, located approximately 50 km north of Agra, and 150 km south of Delhi. It is the administrative centre of Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh.
During the ancient period, this was an economic hub, located at the junction of some relatively important caravan routes.
Mathura is the reputed birthplace of Krishna, Krishnajanmabhoomi. The Keshav Dev temple was built in ancient times on the site of Krishna's supposed birthplace (an underground prison). In the 6th century BCE Mathura became the capital of the Shursen republic.
The city was later ruled by the Maurya empire (4th to 2nd centuries BCE) and the Shunga dynasty (2nd century BCE). It may have come under control of the Indo-Greeks some time between 180 BCE and 100 BCE. However, it would then have briefly reverted to Indian rule before being occupied by the Indo-Scythians during the 1st century BCE. Archaeological evidence seems to indicate that, by 100 BCE, there was a group of Jains living in Mathura [Bowker].
Mathura served as one of the Kushan Empire's two capitals from the first to the third centuries.
The Mathura Museum has the largest collection of redstone sculptures in Asia, depicting many famous Buddha figurines.
In 634 Xuanzang had visited the Mathura town. He went east to Jalandhara in eastern Punjab, before climbing up to visit predominantly Theravada monasteries in the Kulu valley and turning southward again to Bairat and then Mathura, on the Yamuna river.
The city was sacked and many of its temples destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1018.
The Keshav Dev temple was partially destroyed by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, who built the city's Jami Masjid (Friday mosque) on the same site, re-using many of the temple's stones. The main Krishna shrine is presently the Dwarkadeesh temple, built in 1815 by Seth Gokuldas Parikh, Treasurer of Gwalior.
The city is mentioned in the Sherlock Holmes story 'The Sign of Four.'
Today Mathura is situated on very important Road and Train routes in India. The famous Delhi-Agra highway crosses Mathura, providing the city great connectivity. Also, the city houses a fairly large and important train station, named Mathura Junction. The city is home to the Delhi-Mumbai and Delhi-Chennai train routes.
Mathura is home to a large, technologically-advanced oil refinery owned by the Indian Oil Corporation. This refinery is one of the largest oil refineries of Asia.
On the industrial aspect, Mathura is home to a very flourishing Silver polishing industry. In addition to this, Sari-printing and water tap factories are also flourishing in the area.
Tourism is still in a development stage in the city.
A very famous twin-city to Mathura is Vrindavan. The small town hosts a lot of temples belonging to various sects of Hinduism preaching Lord Krishna in various forms/avatars. Some of the most famous temples are Banke Bihari Temple, Rang ji Temple, Iskcon Temple.
Hundreds of ISKON (International Society of Krishna Consciousness) followers from foreign lands come here to attend courses and participate in the famous Janmasthami celebrations. Brij ki Holi is a festival of colours that leaves an ever lasting memory in the minds of the its participants.
Mathura is located on the west bank of river Yamuna. It is full of stories revolving around the most loved Hindu gods Lord Krishna. The area is known as Brij Bhoomi, meaning a land where Krishna has grown up. Beautiful stone sculptures of Buddha and Vishnu can also be seen in various museums both within and outside the country. The Mathura Buddha figures are noted for their beautifully carved halos with rings of floral designs.
City Dholpur
Dholpur is an interesting town to visit, especially because it is far from the usual tourist track and thus, quite 'undiscovered'. But Dholpur is well known in another way – for its excellent sandstone.This red stone was used for building not just the local structures but also those of Delhi like the Red Fort. In fact, the architect of modern Delhi, Edward Lutyens, had a special liking for it.
Dholpur (also Dhaulpur) is a city in eastern Rajasthan state of India. It was formerly the capital of the princely state of Dholpur, and is the administrative headquarters of Dholpur District.
The present town of Dholpur, which dates from the 16th century, stands somewhat to the north of the site of the older town built in the 11th century by Raja Dholan (or Dhawal) Deo, a Tomara rajput chieftain; it named Dholdera or Dhawalpuri after him.
In 1450, Dholpur had a raja of its own; however, the fort was taken by the Delhi Sultanate under Sikander Lodi in 1501 and transferred to a Muslim governor in 1504. In 1527, after strenuous resistance, the fort fell by Babur and came under the sway of the Mughals along with the surrounding country. It was assigned by Emperor Akbar to the province of Agra. A fortified sarai built in the reign of Akbar still stands in the town, within which is the fine tomb of Sadik Mohammed Khan (d.1595), one of his generals.
During the dissensions which followed the death of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in 1707, Raja Kalyan Singh Bhadauria obtained possession of Dholpur. His family retained it until 1761, after which it was taken successively by the Jat Maharaja Suraj Mal of Bharatpur; by Mirza Najaf Khan in 1775; by the Sindhia in 1782; and finally, by the HEIC in 1803. It was restored by the HEIC to Sindhia under the Treaty of Sarji Anjangaon, but in consequence of new arrangements, was again occupied by the British. Finally, in 1806, the territories of Dholpur, Ban and Rajakhera were handed over to Kirat Singh of Gohad, in exchange for that Jat chieftains own state of Gohad, which was ceded to Sindhia.
Main Attractions of Dholpur
Laswari is a historical site of Dholpur where Daulat Rao Scindia was defeated by Lord Lake. You could see the ruins of the oldest Mughal garden, the
Damoh Waterfall and the Kanpur Mahal. They all form a beautiful piece of attractions at Laswari.
Shergarh Fort
Situated south of Dholpur, is the Shergarh Fort which was constructed by Sher Shah Suri on the ruines of Hindu Fortress.
The Khanpur Mahal
This was a pleasure house for Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. The exquisite structure of the Khanpur Mahal tends to lure number of travellers.
The Shiva Temple
This is a historical monuments which boast great architectural beauty of all times. The shiva temple is located near the Gwalior Agra Road.
Machchhkund (8Km.)
Machchhkund is a must visit. Named after Raja Machh Kund, it is an ancient sacred place. The kind Machh Kund was the twenty forth king of the Suryavansh
Ranthambhor National Park, before a princely game conserve is the scene where the celebrated Indian Tiger is best seen. Ranthambhor Tiger Reserve lies on the junction of Aravali and Vindhyas just 14 Kms from Sawai Madhopur in Eastern Rajasthan.
It sprawls over a varying and undulating landscape. The scenery changes dramatically from gentle and steep slopes of the Vindhyas and sharp and conical hills of the Aravali. A tenth century fort also blends amicably with the background. Pure sands of Dhok (Anogeissus pendula) interspersed with grasslands at the plateaus, meadows in valleys and luxuriant foliage around the canals make the jungle.
Three big lakes – Padam Talab (meaning Lake), Malik Talab and Raj Bagh – are similar turquoises studded in the vast forest that abounds with aquatic vegetation including duckweeds, lilies and lotus.A significant geological feature within the park is the 'Great Boundary Fault' where the Vindhaya plateau meets the Aravali range. The Rivers Chambal in the South and the Banas in the North bound the National Park. The park is dotted with steep rocky hills and the dominating architecture of Ranthambhor Fort (built in the 10th century), adds to its landscape. The rugged park terrain alternates between dry deciduous forest, open grassy meadow, dotted by several lakes and rivers that are only made passable by rough roads built and maintained by the Forest Service.The tiger is not the only attraction at Ranthambhor; although it is the one park resident that people come to see. A variety of birds including Owlets, the ubiquitous Langur (monkey), Leopard, Caracal, Hyena, Jackal, Jungle Cat, marsh Crocodiles, Wild Boar, Bears and various species of Deer are the other attractions.
Ranthambhor is plagued by the typical problems encountered by all game reserves in India - people living in and around the parks and grazing by livestock! Between 1976-1979, 12 villages within Ranthambhor National Park were resettled outside the designated park area with only a few people now residing in scattered hamlets within the park. Of course poachers continue their activities with increasing demand from China for Tiger parts. There are no accurate figures on how many tigers and poachers kill other species, but on occasion evidence appears in the form of large numbers of skins and other body parts found on couriers. The park is well staffed and the folk who man the centres and the mandatory guides - one for every vehicle, are knowledgeable of the terrain and some even know the Latin names of most species. The tiger is not the only attraction at Ranthambhor; although it is the one park resident people come to see. We were lucky to see several varieties of birds including these owlets peering through their burrow pictured here on the right and of course the ubiquitous langur monkey. Other animals in the reserve include leopard, caracal, hyena, jackal, jungle cat, marsh crocodiles, wild boar, bears and various species of deer. The main food source for the tiger is the swamp deer like Barasinsga and on occasion the wild buffalo and also wild boar etc. If you wish to stay near the park, the facilities on offer are superb. The park gates open a half hour before sunrise and close half hour after sunset. The timings are vigorously imposed and no exceptions are made to this rule.
Save TigerLike oil lamps flickering in the wind, the world's tiger population is unhurriedly being snuffed out. Several books and literature have been produced to describe the most intriguing, the most powerful and the most majestic of all animals.
The Hindu tradition and culture have a place of honor and worship for tiger. In India people had added Singh, Sher and Nahar on their names to upgrade their class. Yet people have been incredibly scant to the cause of the tiger. This web site aims in graphics, pictures and prose to advance the level of wakefulness and concern for this mythical and secretive striped beauty that placidly roams the jungles. There is enormous pressure on the habitat of the tigers, the Ranthambhore Foundations hopes to strike an ecological balance and complete harmony between man and the beast.
Tiger MomentsTiger Burning Bright in rare and relaxed moments exhibits it lovable beauty. It is in these moments that the sheer beauty and power of this animal comes out so mesmerizing. It is an experience that no one should fail to spot. If your grand mother has told you that cat the maternal aunt of the tiger did not teach a tiger to climb trees so he can’t climb trees then she was probably not wholly right.
A commendable photographs shows that tigers can scale trees like other cats but only upto 16 months of age of after which they too heavy to do so. These pictures depict the world around the tiger and are expected to arouse passion for the tiger. The tiger is waging a lonely battle for survival – you must stand for restoring the eco-balance.
Ranthambhore National Park
The former hunting ground of Maharaja of Jaipur, Ranthambhore National Park was declared a game sanctuary in 1955; it became a national park in 1980. But, with the commissioning of Project Tiger in 1972, it was included in the project. The Park sprawls over an estimated area of 400 sq kms. Set between the Aravalli and Vindhya ranges, the park is a heritage site because of the picturesque ruins that adds to the beauty of the wildlife park.
The landscape is rugged and there are rocky ridges, hills and open valleys with lakes and pools. The jungle is dotted with deciduous forests.
There are lake palaces, 'chhatris', old fortifications and a majestic 1,000-year-old fort, overlooking the park.
The lovely Jogi Mahal is located at the foot of the fort and gives magnificent view of the Padam Talao, dominated with water lilies.
Sightseeing at Ranthambhore
The Flora : The forests are dry deciduous, with trees of Dhak, Acacia, Ber and Salar.
The Fauna : The tigers are the most rewarding sights in the park. Other inmates of the park are the Antelopes, Nilgai, Sambhar and Chital, which are easy to spot. Those who are lucky enough get to see the Sloth Bear, Wild Boar, Chinkara, Porcupines and Jackals, Leopard, Jungle Cat and Marsh Crocodile. The lakes and water holes within the Ranthambore National Park are the best spots to see the animals. Ranthambore also boasts of a respectable size of bird population, both resident and migratory. There are about 264 species of birds found within the park. Indian Hare, Mongoose and Monitor Lizards can also spotted.
Ranthambhore Fort :
The most spectacular and most popular spot within the park is to the Ranthambore Fort. This fort was built by the Chauhans in the 10th century AD. This fort is famous for the 'Johar' (suicide by immolation to escape humiliation) by Rajput women in 1301 AD during the siege by Ala-ud-din Khilji. The temples and tanks add to the beauty of the fort. The seven gates and massive curtain walls, crowning a fall-topped hill presents a majestic view.
Park Trips : The park is toured by a jeep or a lorry, the reservation of which can be done at the Project Tiger Office at Sawai Madhopur. The tour is accompanied by a guide.
Best Season to Visit : October to March.
Reaching Ranthambhore -
Air : The nearest airport is that of Jaipur, which is about 145 km away. There are regular flights of various airlines to this place.
Train : Sawai Madhopur, the nearest town from the park provides the nearest railhead for the national park. It is 11 km from Ranthambore.
Road : From Jaipur one has to take the road to access the national park.
Basic Guidelines -
» Please enter the Park only after taking the necessary permits and follow all the rules.
» Drive slowly in the Park. In this way you can see, observe and enjoy the most, without disturbing the wildlife.
» Respect the wild animals and maintain a safe distance from them. Remember, you are in their home and they get first priority.
» Switch off your car stereo or transistor. The quieter you are, the more the chances of your seeing wildlife.
» Wear dull-coloured clothes. Bright colours alarm most wild animals and they flee.
» Don’t carry guns or other weapons. Feel free to shoot with a camera instead.
» Do not smoke or light campfires in the forest. Accidental fires can destroy this wonderful jungle in no time.
» Don’t get off your vehicle at any point in the Park except where it’s allowed. This is for your own safety and the safety of wildlife.
» Help keep the park pollution-free. While inside the park, please put your entire non-biodegradable litter (tin cans, plastic, glass bottles, metal foils etc.) into the bag provided and dispose of it on your way out.
» Keep to the specified roads and trails. Driving off track you may trample growing trees and cause disturbance to resting animals and their youngs.
Sightseeing at Ranthambhore
Ranthambore Park
Ranthambore, the name itself inspires awe in the hearts of many! With a famous National Park, an impressive fort and an art school, Ranthambore offers the best of both human and animal world.
The anecdotes and legends that associate themselves with the fort are typical of Rajasthan history. Legends fondly narrate how two princes prayed Lord Shiva to restore their hunt (a wild boar that had jumped into a lake) and the Lord agreed only on the condition that a fort dedicated to him be built at the sight. The legend seems little unbelievable in the face of Ganesh's immense popularity amongst the devotees. Lord Ganesh is still highly revered and receives numerous invitations of marriages! A more real anecdote describes how foreign invasion led to the first ever mass suicide of Rajasthan in this fort even though victory was only a step ahead.
The park is one of the earliest to be included in the Project Tiger. Its history boasts of royal as well as foreign guests like Queen and Prince Phillip. The Duke of Edinburg too enjoyed a shooting a large tiger in this park. Though facing a persistent problem of poaching, the park has maintained a healthy population of the big cats. Its greenery and rich wildlife have attracted many a visitors from all around. The pristine lakes nearby and open sky above have an ineluctable charm that bind tourists to the place for ever.
The school of art here reflects the importance of above two in the region with its myriad sketches and colours. The school encourages a cognizance in the mind of residents and tourists about the significance of nature around.
In all, the aura of Ranthambore is adorable and undeniable.
Ranthambore Tours, India
Ranthambore is one of the many famous destinations of the western state of India, Rajasthan. Generally a visit to Ranthambore means a visit to the tiger reserve here. However, the place has much more to offer you in sightseeing and excursions. Surrounded by the Vindhya and Aravali hill ranges and located very near to the outer fringes of the Thar Desert, Ranthambore offers you the best of the desert land as well as plain area near the hills. Due to its proximity to the Thar desert, the vegetation here is that of deciduous forest.
Ranthambore used to be the hunting ground of the Maharaja of Jaipur. Later it was declared as a game sanctuary in 1955. In 1980, it was declared as a national park and listed among the reserves protected under Project Tiger. Ranthambore is also considered to be the best place in the world to photograph the tiger in its natural habitat. In Ranthambore you can indulge in any of the adventurous activities that the park offers. A Jeep Safari, a cultural and traditional experience of the Meena tribes, a night out in the many hideouts in the park are some of the options you must not miss.
There are many interesting spots for you to see in Ranthambore. The Ranthambore National Park is regarded as the most suitable place for wildlife photography in the world. Here you can capture the tiger in its various moods and moments. Besides the Ranthambore Park, there are places like the Ranthambore Fort (one of its kind in the entire state of Rajasthan), Jogi Mahal (the wonderful forest guesthouse) and the various species of flora and fauna, which are also worth a look. While in Ranthambore you can also get the feel of local customs and traditions of the region. A Jeep safari followed by the dinner consisting of the region's delicacies is an experience not to be missed.
To have a good idea of the place and its past, an excursion to the nearby places of historical importance is a must. Apart from the historical witnesses of time, these places have much more to offer to make your visit a complete one. Sawai Madhopur village, which is the entry point to many of the nearby important destination is one of its kind. The village is known for its many historical monuments and related legends that you can find in these small and big structures. Karauli is another place famous for its temples and architectural marvels. Bundi (66 km) is famous for its monuments and especially its fort, which preserves the glorious legacy of its erstwhile Rajput rulers. Kota (100 km) has number of important sites like the City Fort and Palace, Kota Barrage, the Kishore Sagar Tank, the Jagmandir Palace, the Brij Vilas Palace Museum, etc. Tonk (100 km) is an old town dating to the middle of the 17th century.
The Ranthambore Tiger Reserve is home to one of the most famous Ganesh temples in the state of Rajasthan. It is a common belief here that all the marriage invitations should be first sent to Lord Ganesh at his temple here. This makes the spot a unique pilgrimage site and invitations pour from all over the country throughout the year, especially during the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival in the months of September/October. During the festival, devotees participate in the singing of devotional songs.
The Indian Tiger Reserve of Ranthambore is easily accessible through air, road and rail from the other major Indian cities and states. Indianvisit can arrange for you all types of transport for your comfortable journey to and in Ranthambore and throughout the Indian state of Rajasthan.
In order to make the travel tour to Ranthambore even more joyful you need to choose just the right kind of accommodation for you and your family or friends in Ranthambore. Most of the places to stay in Ranthambore are strategically located near the national park. Indianvisit offers you comfortable stay at the wildlife resort at Ranthambore.
Planning a leisure trip to Ranthambore Tiger Reserve or enjoying your holidays with Indian Wildlife? Check out the following all-inclusive tour packages, tours and holiday offers that will make your travel trip to Ranthambore Tiger Reserve comfortable and enjoyable. We provide a range of tour packages and holiday offers for the Tiger Reserve of Ranthambore that will suit your requirements and budget. As per the nature, duration and the accommodation required during the holiday trip or leisure travel to Ranthambore Tiger Reserve the tour packages vary.
History of Ranthambore:-
It was the massive stronghold of the Rajput King Hamir who was defeated by Allauddin Khilji's army in 1301 AD/ A glorious era in the history of Ranthambhore was, when Emperor Akbar invested it in 1569. This event was recorded by his artists in miniature paintings of the Akbarnama. Later the fort was handed over to the rulers of Jaipur and remained with them till 1949 when Jaipur state became a part of Rajasthan. In 1955 Ranthambhore became a sanctuary and was one of the very first protected areas. Now a national park, it has an area of over 400 square kilometers with a tiger population of a little over a hundred.
Places to see:-
There are many interesting spots for you to see in Ranthambore. The Ranthambore National Park is regarded as the most suitable place for wildlife photography in the world. Here you can capture the tiger in its various moods and moments. Besides the Ranthambore Park, there are places like the Ranthambore Fort (one of its kind in the entire state of Rajasthan), Jogi Mahal (the wonderful forest guesthouse) and the various species of flora and fauna, which are also worth a look. While in Ranthambore you can also get the feel of local customs and traditions of the region. A Jeep safari followed by the dinner consisting of the region's delicacies is an experience not to be missed.
The park, which is one of the finest tiger reserves in the country, is the main attraction of Ranthambore. Spread over an area of 392 sq. km, Ranthambore is characterised by dry deciduous forests sprawling over the Aravalli and Vindhyan ranges. If you are fortunate enough you can also see the tiger strolling in the jungle or near any of the three lakes-Padam Talab, Raj Bagh Talab and Milak Talab. The park also has panthers in sizable numbers, though they have been spotted generally at the outskirts of the park perhaps due to the inevitable conflict with the tiger population, which command the 'superior' position amidst the predatory cats. For spotting panthers, Kachida Valley is regarded as the ideal place.
Other mammalian species that have made Ranthambore their home are antelopes, nilgai, sambhar, chital, sloth bear, wild boar, chinkara, porcupines, jackals, leopards, jungle cats, fox, caracals, hyena, gazelle, Indian hare, mongoose and jacanas. Besides animals, about 264 species of birds are found within the park including painted storks, white-necked storks, black storks, peafowl, crested serpent eagles, Bonelli's eagle, Indian horned owl, quail, partridge, spur fowl, paradise flycatcher and jacanas. During winters migratory birds like graylag goose, ruddy sheiduck and pintails may also be spotted. Monitor lizards and marsh crocodiles are also found here. The park was one of the places visited by the former U.S. President Bill Clinton during his visit to India.
Ranthambore Fort:
A visit to Ranthambore means a visit to the noteworthy Ranthambore fort too. The fort was built by the Chauhan rulers in the 10th century and is regarded as one of the oldest forts of Rajasthan. Due to its strategic location, the fort was ideal to keep the enemy at bay. The fort is also related to the historical legend of the royal women performing jauhar(self immolation) when the Muslim invader Ala-ud-din Khilji laid siege on this fort in 1303. The fort is characterised by temples, tanks, massive gates and huge walls.
Jogi Mahal
The Jogi Mahal makes a must visit place in Ranthambore. It is the forest rest house that overlooks the pretty Padam Talab. The Mahal lies close to the park and has all the facilities for a comfortable stay. The most important aspect of Jogi Mahal that attracts a large number of tourists every year is the ancient banyan tree which is believed to be the second largest banyan tree in India.
Sariska Bird Sanctuary
This park is situated only 200 km from Delhi and 107 kms from Jaipur. Although larger than Ranthambor, it is less commercialised and has less tigers but a similar topography. It covers an area of 800 sq km in total, with a core area of approximately 500 sq km.
The Northern Aravali Hills dominate the skyline with their mixture of sharp cliffs and long narrow valleys. The area was declared a sanctuary in 1955 and became a National Park in 1979. The landscape of Sariska comprises of hills and narrow valleys of the Aravali hill range. The topography of Sariska supports scrub-thorn arid forests, dry deciduous forests, rocks and grasses. The broad range of wildlife here is a wonderful example of ecological adoption and tolerance, for the climate here is variable as well as erratic. It is located in the contemporary Alwar district and is the legacy of the Maharajas of Alwar. Pavilions and Temples within Sariska are ruins that hint at past riches and glory. The nearby Kankwadi Fort has a long and turbulent history.In morning and evening, wildlife in Sariska heads towards the many water holes, which litter the park, thus providing the guests with their best chance of viewing game. At some of these watering holes it is possible to book hides which are situated in prime spots for wildlife viewing.
The park is home to numerous carnivores including Leopard, Wild Dog, Jungle Cat, Civets Hyena, Jackal, and Tiger. These feed on species such as Sambar, Chital, Nilgai, Chausingha, Wild Boar and Langur. Sariska is also well known for its large population of Rhesus Monkeys, which are found around Talvriksh.The avian world is also well represented with Peafowl, Grey Partridge, Bush Quail, Sand Grouse, Tree Pie, Golden backed Woodpecker, crested Serpent Eagle and The Great Indian horned Owl.The park is open almost whole year-round, but for wildlife viewing and your comfort it is best to visit from October to April. Safaris are provided by jeep.
Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary
Spread in an area of 800 sq km with a core area of 498 sq km, Sariska National Park lies in the Aravalli hills and is the former hunting preserve of the Maharaja of Alwar. Sariska itself is a wide valley with two large plateaus. The park was established as a sanctuary in the year 1958 and as a tiger reserve in 1979. In 1982, Sariska was declared a national park. The forests are lush during and immediately following the monsoon, but during the dry months of February May there is a shortage of water and in consequence mammals are attracted to water holes. At this time of year visibility is good because of the sparse foliage.
Sightseeing at Sariska
The Flora : The forests are mostly dotted with dry deciduous trees of Dhak, Acacia, Ber and Salar.
The Fauna : The park also has good populations of Nilgai, Sambar and Chital. In the evenings, Indian Porcupine, Striped Hyaena, Indian Palm Civet and even Leopard are sometimes seen. The Tigers of Sariska are largely nocturnal and are not as easily seen as those of Ranthambhore. Sariska is excellent for birdwatching and has an unusually large population of Indian Peafowl.
Other Attractions :
Sariska is dotted with places of historical and religious interest, including the ruins of the Kankwari Fort, the 10th century Neelkanth temples, the Budha Hanumab Temple near Pandupol, the Bharthari Temple near the park office, and the hot and cold springs of Taalvriksh. The large Siliserh Lake is at the north-eastern corner. Visiting all of them is worthwhile.
Best Season to Visit : Open through out the year, the best period being November-April, especially March-April.
Reaching Sariska
Air : The nearest airport is at Jaipur (115 km 3 hours ).
Train : The nearest railway station is at Alwar (36 km).
Road : The drive from Delhi takes 5-6 hours. Sariska is well connected to all the major cities of Rajasthan and India.
Basic Guidelines
- Please enter the Park only after taking the necessary permits and follow all the rules.
- Drive slowly in the Park. In this way you can see, observe and enjoy the most, without disturbing the wildlife.
- Respect the wild animals and maintain a safe distance from them. Remember, you are in their home and they get first priority.
- Switch off your car stereo or transistor. The quieter you are, the more the chances of your seeing wildlife.
- Wear dull-coloured clothes. Bright colours alarm most wild animals and they flee.
- Don’t carry guns or other weapons. Feel free to shoot with a camera instead.
- Do not smoke or light campfires in the forest. Accidental fires can destroy this wonderful jungle in no time.
- Don’t get off your vehicle at any point in the Park except where it’s allowed. This is for your own safety and the safety of wildlife.
- Help keep the park pollution-free. While inside the park, please put your entire non-biodegradable litter (tin cans, plastic, glass bottles, metal foils etc.) into the bag provided and dispose of it on your way out.
- Keep to the specified roads and trails. Driving off track you may trample growing trees and cause disturbance to resting animals and their youngs.
Taj Mahal
The Taj Mahal is a monument located in Agra, India, constructed in 22 years (1631 - 1653) by a workforce of 22,000.
The Muslim Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned its construction as a mausoleum for his favourite wife, Arjumand Bano Begum,
who is better known as Mumtaz Mahal.
The Taj Mahal (sometimes called "the Taj") is generally considered the finest example of Mughal architecture, a style that
combines elements of Indian, Islamic and Persian architectures. The Taj Mahal has achieved special note because of the
romance of its inspiration. While the white domed marble mausoleum is the most familiar part of the monument, the Taj Mahal is
actually an integrated complex of structures.
Karauli (also formerly spelled Karoli or Kerowlee) is a town lying in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The town is the
administrative center of Karauli District, and was formerly the capital of the erstwhile princely state of Karauli.
The town dates from 1348, and is situated in a position naturally defended by ravines on the north and east, while it is further
protected by a great wall. The Maharaja's palace is a handsome block of buildings, some of them dating to the late 1700's.
Princely history
Legend has it that the princely state of Karauli was founded about 995 by Raja Bijai Pal; ot is claimed that he was 88th in
descent from the hindu god Krishna. Little is however known about the early history of the family; the state was long a fief in
Jaipur state until the HEIC chose, in the early 19th century, to recognise Karauli as being an independent principality.
In 1818, Karauli was made part of the Rajputana Agency.
The state had an area of 3,178 km² (1242 square miles). In 1901, the population of the state was 156,786, and that of the town
was 23,482. Millets, the staple food of the people, was the main agricultural produce. As of the early 20th century, there were
no major industries; a little weaving, dyeing, wood-turning and stonecutting constituted the notable cottage industries. Most
goods, as also salt, sugar, cotton, buffaloes and bullocks, were imported; rice and goats comprised the main exports.
After India's independence in 1947, the state under Maharaja Ganesh Pal Deo acceded to the dominion of India on 7 April 1949;
Karauli later merged with the union of India and became part of the state of Rajasthan.
Govardhan - A Pilgrimage TownDistance is located 48km from Bharatpur, 15km east of Deeg.It is a Pilgrimage Town. This quiet
little spot with narrow winding lanes is closely linked with Lord Krishna, the most loved deity in Hindu mythology. This mischievous god is said
to have lived in these areas, and as such worship and devotion have a very tangible feel here. Govardhan is an important place
of pilgrimage too. According to legend, Krishna once protected the people of Govardhan from the wrath of Indra, the God of Rain
(also the great Warrior God). It so happened that Indra hurled a terrible thunderbolt at these poor people
(for reasons quite unknown to us). So Krishna lifted a whole mountain, the nearby Mount Giriraj, and held it on his little
finger for seven days and nights as an umbrella against the terrible rain and cyclone. Such were the miracles Krishna is
supposed to have performed.Later Indra had to fall at Krishna's feet and ask for forgiveness, of course. ¤ Famous Temples.There
are lots of temples in Govardhan. The most interesting one is the 16th century Harideva Temple. Near this is a complex of
chhatris (cenotaphs) of the Jat maharajas of Bharatpur which have some really nice frescoes. Their curved cornices and multiple
domes and pavilions make them somewhat similar to the Rajput architectural pieces. There is another chhatri dedicated to the
most illustrious Jat ruler, Suraj Mal, about 3km north of here. The ceiling has frescoes showing episodes from the life of the
Jaipur is Capital of Rajasthan also known as Pink City, surrounded on all sides by rugged hills crowned with forts and enclosed
by embattled walls.
Popular For : Outstanding Architecture.
Best time to visit : October to February
Visit to City Palace which now houses a museum containing rare manuscripts, paintings, and an armoury, the
observatory with a sundial 90 ft high, the museum is amidst the Ram Niwas Palace gardens founded in 1876 with a large collections
of antiques, the Palace of Winds, a landmark of Jaipur made of Pink Sandstone and of unique design.
Amber 12 Kms from Jaipur, lies Amber with an old palace overlooking the lake at the entrance to rocky mountain grove, built
in 17th century, the palace is a distinguished specimen of Rajput Architecture.
Sightseeing at Jaipur
City Palace
The magnificent City Palace is in the centre of the Pink City of Jaipur, enclosed by high walls and set amidst fine gardens
and courtyards. Since it was built by Jai Singh in 1728 it has been the principal residence for the Maharajas of Jaipur and the
successive rulers have each added to it.
The major attractions in the palace are - Chandra Mahal, Mubarak Mahal, Diwan-I-Khas,
Dilkusha Mahal, Moti Mahal, Sheesh Mahal and Krishna Mahal, all of which are adorned with exquisite colours and paintings.
City Palace is located in the capital of Rajasthan and is a perfect example of traditional Rajasthan and Mughal architecture.
Originally built by Maharaja Jai Singh II of the Kachhwaha clan of Rajputs, the palace complex has been further developed by
many of his successors. The City Palace stands proudly on the hill guarded by crenelated fort walls. In comparison to its rough
exterior, the interior displays a delicate and exquisite world of beauty with elaborate use of marble, mirror work, frescoes,
wall paintings, silver doors, fountains and gardens.
          The City Palace consists of four main palaces. The Palace of Joy (Dilkusha Mahal), is lavishly decorated with frescoes and
paintings. Moti Mahal (Palace of Pearls), Sheesh Mahal (Palace of Mirrors), and Krishna Mahal are adorned with exquisite colours
and paintings. The ground and first floor of the Chandra Mahal, form the Maharaja Sawai Man Singh Museum. The Mubarak Mahal, or
the Auspicious Palace, contains the textile section of the museum.
         The city-palace is protected by towering outer walls, a further wall runs for miles along the hills surrounding the palace.
many, the most memorable part of a trip to Jaipur is the journey up the palace ramparts, through a succession of vast gates,
the back of a painted elephant – Maharaja style. Inside are the ruins of a once great palace, a wonderful example of Rajput
architecture, with Mogul influences.
What to See in City Palace
There is a dominating gateway with a lofty door in brass opening to a regal courtyard. Here lies the Diwan-I-Khas or 'Hall of Private Audience'- an open hall with a double row of columns with scalloped arches.
Across the paved square, with its detailed decorations in deep red and gold, Afghan and Persian carpets, miniature paintings, astronomical manuscripts in Persian and Sanskrit lies the 'Diwan-E-Aam' or the 'Hall of Public Audience'. At the other side is the Ridhi Sidhi Pol, with four small doorways carved with motifs representing the four seasons.
Chandra Mahal
Situated in north-west is the elegant Chandra Mahal, the residence of ex-ruler. The seven-storey Chandra Mahal is the center-piece and emanates fine views of the gardens and the Jaipur city. The complex boasts of an excellent museum, an armoury and several fine halls. The museum of Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II has a comprehensive collection of art, carpets, enamelware and old weapons. The paintings include miniatures in Rajasthani, Mughal and Persian schools. Each storey has an unique name and is a place of exquisite beauty and luxury. The topmost storey is called the Mukut Mahal.
Mubarak Mahal
Built in the late 19th century by Maharaja Madho Singh II, the Mubarak Mahal, or the Auspicious Palace, exhibits the textile section of the Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum.
Sukh Nivas & Shobha Nivas
'Sukh Nivas' or "Hall of Rest" is the drawing and dining room of the Maharaja, furnished with Mughal miniatures, European silver, glass dining tables and peep holes adorned with gold leafs, for ventilation. On the fourth floor of the Chandra Mahal is the 'Shobha Nivas' or "Hall of Beauty" with mirror encrusted walls having exquisite blue tiled dadoes and glittering gold leaf and mica decoration. The Shobha Nivas and the Sukh Nivas is still the residence of the present Maharaja.
Badal Mahal
Located opposite to Chandra Mahal the Badal Mahal has beautiful sprawling gardens. The Govind Devji Temple stands in the middle of the Chandra Mahal and the Badal Mahal. An amazing system of mountains is placed in the middle of the paved path between the Chandra Mahal and the Badal Mahal.
Amer Place & Fort
The Amer fort situated on a hillside, 11 km from Jaipur on the Delhi-Jaipur highway, is a classic Rajasthan fort-palace. The
fort overlooks the Maota Lake which provides breathtaking reflections of the Fort-Palace. Construction of the fort began in 1592
by Maharaja Man Singh and was completed by Maharaja Jai Singh I. It was once the headquarters of the Kachawas Rajput dynasty.
Amer is a superb example of Rajput architecture.
Fusion of the Rajput and Mughal styles is clearly evident, the rooms are small
and intimate, typical of the Mughal style, while the successive courtyards and narrow passages are particularly Rajput.
The palace walls are painted with scenes of hunting and battle. Crushed precious stones and mirrors have been used for these
paintings, which have retained much of their original colour. Hall of Victory, Ganesh Pole or Elephant gate, and Sheesh Mahal or
Palace of mirrors, are some of the popular attractions at the fort. One can reach the fort on foot, or on elephant back.
While at Amer, one can also look at the Jaigarh Fort, the ancient fortress on the crest of the hill above, and the 400 year old
Kali Temple.
Situated on the crest of a hill seven miles north of Jaipur is Amber, capital of the Kuchwaha Rajputs from 1037 to 1728.
Hawa Mahal (Palace of the Winds)
Hawa is Jaipur’s most remarkable attraction. Built in 1799, it is situated on the edge of the City Palace complex overlooking
one of the city’s main streets and was constructed to offer the women of the court a vantage point, behind stone-carved screens,
from which to watch the activity in the bazaars below. The five-storey building is shaped like a crown adorning Lord Krishna’s
head and contains over 900 finely screened windows and balconies.
Dotted with palaces, many of which are converted to hotels, the pink city of Jaipur, is a must visit city of Rajasthan on every
tourist's tour itinerary. A well-known shopping and handicrafts paradise, Jaipur has become renowned for its windy Hawa Mahal,
popularly known as "The Palace of Winds".
Known as Jaipur's signature building, the Hawa Mahal, is a multi-layered palace, built by Sawai Pratap Singh, who was grand son of Sawai Jai Singh and son of Sawai Madhoo Singh in 1799 AD and Mr. Lal Chand Usta was the architect.
This five storey building of unusual architecture designed by Lal Chand Usta, is a stunning example of Rajput artistry. The Hawa Mahal, part of the Jaipur City Palace complex is a familiar landmark. This five-story, pyramid-shaped structure has tier after tier of 953 small casements, each with tiny lattice worked (Jali) pink windows, small balconies and arched roofs with hanging cornices, exquisitely modeled and carved. These small windows circulate cool air (Hawa) even in hot months.
Famous for it's beehive like structure, the Hawa Mahal is an interplay of red and pink sand stone, carefully and intricately outlined with white borders and motifs. The monument with a spectacular view of Jaipur city with road avenues, intersections and colourful crowds in the market, was originally conceived with the aim of enabling ladies of the royal household to watch the everyday life and royal processions in the city without being seen by others. There are about more 900 of them in the Hawa Mahal.
Other interesting Places in Jaipur
Rambagh Palace
The sprawling residence of the governess of Maharaja Ram Singh, it became his favourite retreat and later, a hunting lodge. Designed by British architects as a formal palace, Rambagh came to embody princely chic when it was occupied by Maharaja Man Singh and Maharani Gayatri Devi. Built in the Indo-Saracenic style, the sprawling palace embodies good taste, and is one of the country’s premier palace hotels
The Nathawat family of Samode served as prime ministers in Jaipur’s court, and their four-century-old fortified residence some 40 km from Jaipur is able to exhibit the good taste learned at the royal palaces in a more restrained space. The Durbar Hall at Samode Palace is one of the most beautifully painted chambers in Rajasthan. Close by is Samode Bagh, the garden pavilion with charming water channels and ancient trees. In Jaipur itself, the family built itself a townhouse, Samode Haveli, which typifies the style of architecture then in prevalence, including accessible public spaces and restricted private spaces, especially for the women of the family. The paintings at the Haveli are every bit as excellent as at the Palace, if a little less profuse. All three properties are hotels.
Sanganer is about 40 Km from Jaipur and is famous world over for textile block printing. Sanganery prints are very much in vogue for dress material or upholstery. Sanganer also specialises in paper-making and the famous blue pottery of Jaipur. The town also houses a couple of temples and an old palace.
Gaitor is 15km from Jaipur and is famous for the Cenotaphs or chhatris of Jaipur rulers. It contains the cenotaphs of Maharaja Pratap Singh, Maharaja Madho Singh II and Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II besides others. The Cenotaph of Maharaja Jai Singh II is the most spectacular. It is a white marble structure, with 20 intricately carved pillars.
Jai Mahal Palace
First developed in the mid-18th century and used as a residence for various British officials, Jai Mahal is Jaipur’s first palace hotel, though it was considerably smaller before rooms were added to it in the 1980s. The new construction is in amazing harmony with the old structure, and the garden that fronts it is a faithful recreation of Babur’s first Mughal garden in Dholpur.
Jaigarh Fort
The Jaigarh fort was built by Maharaja Jai Singh in 1726 and was named after him. At a walking distance from the Amber Fort, Jaigarh served as a treasury for the Kachhwahas. It is one of the few military structures of medieval India preserved almost intact. It contains palaces, gardens, open and covered reservoirs, a granary, an armory, a well planned cannon foundry, several temples, a tall tower and a giant mounted cannon.
Jantar Mantar
Jantar Mantar, or instrument of calculation is an observatory, built by the astronomer king, Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh in 1726. The observatory is equipped with futuristic scientific instruments or yantras. Each yantra has a specific purpose to measure the positions of the stars, altitudes, time of the day or even calculating eclipses.
Nahargarh Fort
The Nahargarh fort is a picturesque fort, about 8 km from Jaipur. It was built in 1734 by Maharaja Jai Singh II. It is also known as the Tiger Fort, it is floodlit at night and can be seen from the highway. The fort provides a magnificent view of the Man Sagar Lake and the palatial duck blind in the midst of the lake
Narain Niwas
A garden house set in a mango orchard and built by Thakur Narain Singh of Kanota into a personal residence, Narain Niwas is not particularly impressive as far as its architecture goes, though it has a restful ambience characterised most obviously by the deep verandah where guests now lounge. Its fortified family home, at Kanota, a 40-minute drive from Jaipur, has more definitive architecture, and visitors can call ahead if they wish to visit, or even stay there.
Palaces of Jaipur
In Jaipur, you are never too far from its rich tapestry of history. Not only is the architecture a delightful medley of the ancient and the medieval, there are also stunning reminders throughout the city. The bustling bazaars of Badi Chaupar, for example, with their tiny shops, and their endless meandering lanes, recreate vignettes of life as it must have been centuries ago. No wonder it’s so exciting to just walk around, as traders pick up fistfuls of semi-precious stones and offer them to you for a few rupees, or as you watch a silversmith at work on a particularly ornate piece of jewellery.
Rajmahal Palace
A small palace, when compared with Rambagh, Rajmahal was established in 1729 for one of the Sisodia princesses so she could distance herself from the intrigues of the Kachchawaha zenana. It later became the Residency, occupied by various British Residents. In that status, it also played host to visiting dignitaries from around the world, whether Queen Elizabeth II or Jacqueline Kennedy, as private guests of the Jaipur royals. It too is now run as a palace hotel
Birla Temple
Constructed by the wealthy business family of Birlas, the Birla Temple is a place that respects the values of all religion despite the fact that it is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi. It is the pure white beauty of the temple that makes it a tourists spot apart from a religious place.
Elephant Festival
Another effort on the part of the Rajasthan government to boost tourism in the capital city of Jaipur. The festival also revives the royalty of the erstwhile Maharajas who loved to display their affluence and authority sitting on the back of a well caprisoned elephant. The festival is celebrated a day after the colourful festival of Holi and therfore quiet obviously carries forward its fervour and joy for yet another day.
Reaching Jaipur
Air : Well connected by air to Ahmedabad, Aurangabad, Calcutta, Delhi, Jodhpur, Mumbai, Udaipur.
Rail : Well connected to Delhi, Ajmer, Ahmedabad, Abu Road, Jodhpur, Chittorgarh, Indore, Bikaner, Udaipur by its own railhead.
Road : Jaipur is well connected to all major towns of India by road.
Jaipur is famous for precious and semi-precious stones, leather goods (camel-skin), textiles (tie & dye) and handicrafts.
The major markets in Jaipur are along Jauhari Bazaar (jwellery), Bapu Bazaar and Nehru Bazaar (textiles), Chaura Rasta, Tripolia
Bazaar and M.I. Raod (emporiums). Ramganj bazaar is famous for shoes and Tripolia Bazar for lac bangles.
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